Pound Services and By-Laws
City of Timmins
Pet Licensing
Every day at the Timmins & District Humane Society dogs and cats arrive at the shelter lost and without identification. Most animals that arrive at the shelter display absolutely no form of identification and without id, it is very challenging and often impossible for the TDHS staff to reunite pets with their owners. Something so simple as identifying your pet can save its life. You love your pets and never expect that they could get lost.. yet hundreds of pets get lost in Timmins and area every year! This article will discuss the legal requirements and the rewards of properly identifying your pet in the City with the Heart of Gold.
Municipalities across Canada have recognized the importance of pet identification by creating bylaws that require registration of all dogs and cats with a City Pet License. Please note that pet licenses expire annually!
Each Neutered or Spayed Cat/Dog $35.00 per year
Each Non-Neutered Cat/Dog $60.00 per year
City of Timmins By-Law No. 2021-8593
Licensing, Registration, Regulation and Control of Cats and Dogs
You can access the complete by-law by clicking here.
Please note that this link directs you to the PDF on a website maintained by the City of Timmins.
Additional information around Animal Control from the City of Timmins can be viewed here: