Your Support
The Timmins & District Humane Society relies strictly on the donations of its members, community partners, and the public-at-large. There are several ways you can help. You can:
Donate online
Make a financial or in-kind donation
Adopt an animal
Donate Online
The TDHS can now accept your donations on line, through a partnership with Canadahelps.org, a non-profit organization set up especially to help charities. When you click here or on the Show your Love button to the upper right of the page (desktop users), you’ll be brought to a secure site where you can enter a donation and your method of payment. You’ll receive a tax receipt for your records via e-mail. This is a reputable site and you can be sure that your donation will reach us.

Make a financial or in-kind donation locally
The Timmins Humane Society is a registered charitable organization that can issue tax receipts for cash donations. Its Registered Charity Number is 87246 6198 RR0001. There are three ways to donate money: coin boxes, cheques and cash donations, or gifts.
Coin Boxes
The Society collects donations through the Humane Society coin boxes located at the check-out areas of many Timmins and area merchants, including Your Independent Grocer and Pet Valu.
If you have Club Z Points or Canadian Tire Money that you would like to donate, we can use it! These gifts can be used to buy blankets, toys, and cleaning supplies that we need to care for the animals in our care.
If you happen to be in Swish or either of the Pet Valu Stores, you can also buy food, collars and leashes, toys and cleaning supplies and drop them into the Humane Society bins at each store.
Cheque or Cash Donations
If you wish to write a cheque, please write it to the order of:
The Timmins & District Humane Society
PO Box 640
Timmins, ON P4N 7G2
Donate your Time
The Timmins & District Humane Society organizes a number of events throughout the year to raise money for its continued operations. You can help by donating your time, energy and ideas in planning, organizing and managing these events. Are you an expert baker? Perhaps you could donate a batch of your favourite cookies to the next bake sale. If you can donate an hour or a day, for one time only or on a regular basis, please give us a call.

Adopt a Pet
Can you open your home and your heart to a dog or cat in need of a home? Many animals need secure, loving homes. We have dogs and cats of various breeds, sizes, and ages. Consider adopting an animal that really needs a home. You'll be rewarded with the unconditional love that only a pet can provide. Click the button below for more information.